Health Disparities Articles
Ciftci, A., & Corrigan, P. (Eds.) (2013). Mental illness stigma and the Muslim community. Journal of Muslim Mental Health. 7(1).
Ciftci, A., Jones, N., & Corrigan, P.W. (2013) Mental health stigma in the Muslim community. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 7, 17-32.
Herzig, B.A., Roysircar, G., Kosyluk, K.A., & Corrigan, P.W. (2013). America Muslim college students: The impact of religiousness and stigma on active coping. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 7, 33-42.
Corrigan, P.W., Pickett, S., Batia, K., & Michaels, P.J. (2014). Peer navigators and integrated care to address ethnic health disparities of people with serious mental illness. Social Work in Public Health, 29, 581-593
Corrigan, P.W., Pickett, S., Kraus, D., Burks, R., Schmidt, A., & the Health Disparities Consumer Research Team. (2015). Community based participatory research examining the health care needs of African Americans who are homeless with mental illness. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 26,119-133
Munoz, M., Guillen, A.I., Perez-Santos, E., & Corrigan, P.W. (2015). A structural equation modeling study of the Spanish Mental Illness Stigma Attribution Questionnaire (AQ-27-E). American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 85, 243-249.
Corrigan, P. W., Torres, A., Lara, J. L., & Sheehan, L., Larson, J. E. (2016). The healthcare needs of Latinos with serious mental illness and the potential of peer navigators. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 43, 1-11.
Corrigan P, Kraus D, Pickett S, Schmidt A, Stellon E, & Hantke E. (in press). Peer navigators that address the integrated healthcare needs of African Americans with serious mental illness who are homeless. Psychiatric Services.
Cavelti, M., Wirtz, M., Corrigan, P.W., & Vauth, R. (2017). Recovery Assessment Scale: Examining the factor structure of the German version (RAS-G) in people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. European Psychiatry, 41, 60-67.
Corrigan P, Pickett S, Schmidt A, Stellon E, Hantke E., & Dubke, R. (in press). Peer navigators to promote engagement of homeless African Americans with serious mental illness in primary care Psychiatry Research.
Corrigan, P. W., Torres, A., Lara, J. L., & Larson, J. E. Prioritizing the healthcare needs of Latinos with serious mental illness. Manuscript submitted to International Journal of Culture and Mental Health.
Gao, S., Corrigan, P.W., Qin, S., & Nieweglowski, K. Comparing Chinese and European American Mental health decision making. Manuscript submitted to Social Science and Medicine.
RĂ¼sch, N., Rose, C., Holzhausen, F., Koslowski, N., Krumm, S., Corrigan, P.W., Gerd-Dieter, W., & Zimmerman, P. Attitudes towards disclosing a mental illness among German soldiers and their comrades. Manuscript submitted to Psychiatry Research.
Corrigan, P.W., Sheehan, L., Morris, S., Larson, J., Torres, A., Lora, L., Paniagua, D., Mayes, J.I., & Doig, S. Peer navigators for the health needs of Latinos with serious mental illness. Manuscript submitted to Psychiatric Services.