Staff Training Articles
Corrigan, P.W., Liberman, R.P., & Engel, J.D. (1990). From noncompliance to collaboration in treatment of schizophrenia. Strategies that facilitate collaboration between practitioner and patient. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 41, 1203-1211.
Axer, H.A., Corrigan, P.W., & Liberman, R.P. (1992). Helping chronic psychiatric patients adjust to socio-political changes in Poland. Psychiatry, 55, 207 213.
Corrigan, P.W. (1992). Behavior therapy and the course of schizophrenia. The Behavior Therapist, 15, 61-65.
Liberman, R.P., & Corrigan, P.W. (1992). Is schizophrenia a neurological disorder? Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 4, 119-124.
Corrigan, P.W. (1993). Staff stressors at a developmental center and state hospital. Mental Retardation, 31, 234-238.
Corrigan, P.W., & Kayton-Weinberg, D. (1993). Aggressive versus problem-focused case management for the severely mentally ill. Community Mental Health Journal, 29, 449-458.
Corrigan, P.W., Holmes, E.P., & Luchins, D. (1993). Identifying staff advocates of behavioral treatment innovations in state psychiatric hospitals. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 24, 219-225.
Corrigan, P.W., Yudofsky, S.C., & Silver, J. (1993). The application of drug and behavioral treatments for aggressive inpatients. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 44, 125-133.
Liberman, R.P., & Corrigan, P.W. (1993). Designing new psychosocial treatments for schizophrenia. Psychiatry, 56, 238-249.
Corrigan, P.W. (1994). Differences between clinical and nursing inpatient staff: Implications for training in behavioral rehabilitation. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 25, 311-316.
Corrigan, P.W., Holmes, E.P., Luchins, D., Parks, J., DeLaney, E., & Kayton-Weinberg, D. (1994). Setting up inpatient behavioral treatment programs: The staff needs assessment. Behavioral Interventions, 9, 1-12.
Corrigan, P.W., Holmes, E.P., Luchins, D. Buican, B., Parks, J.J. & Basit, A. (1994). Staff burnout in psychiatric hospitals: A cross-lagged panel design. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15, 65-74.
Corrigan, P.W., Luchins, D.J., Malan, R.D., & Harris, J. (1994). User-friendly continuous quality improvement for the mental health team. Medical Interface, 7(12), 89-95.
Corrigan, P.W., Buican, B., & McCracken, S. (1995). The Needs and Resources Assessment Interview for severely mentally ill adults. Psychiatric Services, 46, 504-505.
Corrigan, P.W., Holmes, E.P., & Luchins, D. (1995). Burnout and collegial support in state psychiatric hospital staff. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51, 703-710.
Corrigan, P.W., Holmes, E.H., Luchins, D., Basit, A., DeLaney, E., Gleason, W., Buican, B. & McCracken, S. (1995). The effects of interactive staff training on staff programming and patient aggression in a psychiatric inpatient unit. Behavioral Interventions, 10, 17-32.
Corrigan, P.W., & McCracken, S. (1995). Refocusing the training of psychiatric rehabilitation staff. Psychiatric Services, 46, 1172-1177.
Corrigan, P.W., & McCracken, S.G. (1995). Psychiatric rehabilitation and staff development: Educational and organizational models. Clinical Psychology Review, 15, 699-719.
Corrigan, P.W., & Blaney, T. (1996). Behavior therapy training in psychiatric nursing, psychiatry, social work, and psychology. the Behavior Therapist, 19, 117-118
Corrigan, P.W., McCracken, S. Edwards, M., Brunner, J., Garman, A., Nelson, D., & Leary, M. (1997). Collegial support and barriers to behavioral programs for severe mental illness. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 28, 193-202.
Corrigan, P.W., McCracken, S.G., Kommana, S., Edwards, M., & Simpatico, T. (1996). Staff perceptions about barriers to innovative behavioral rehabilitation programs. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 20, 541-551.
Corrigan, P.W., McCracken, S.G., Kommana, S., Edwards, M., & Simpatico, T. (1997). Changing staff attitudes about behavioral rehabilitation programs. Psychiatric Services, 48, 1336-1338.
Garman, A.N., Corrigan, P.W., Norris, R., Bachand, S., Lam, C., & McCracken, S.G. (1997). How mental health and developmental disabilities staff prioritize training and development needs. Community Mental Health Journal, 33, 143-148.
Corrigan, P.W., Garman, A.N., Lam, C., & Leary, M. (1998). What mental health teams want in their leaders. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 26, 111-124.
Corrigan, P.W., & Giffort, D.W. (Eds.) (1998). Editors' note: Building teams and programs for effective rehabilitation. New Directions in Mental Health Services, 79, 1-2.
Corrigan, P.W., Hess, L., & Garman, A.N. (1998). Results of a job analysis of psychologists working in state hospitals. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54, 1-8.
Corrigan, P.W., & McCracken, S.G. (1998). An interactive approach to training teams and developing programs. New Directions in Mental Health Services, 79, 3-12.
Corrigan, P.W., Williams, O.B., McCracken, S.G., Kommana, S., Edwards, M., & Brunner, J. (1998). Staff attitudes that impede the implementation of behavioral treatment programs. Behavior Modification, 22, 548-562.
Corrigan, P.W., & Garman, A.N. (1999). Transformational and transactional leadership skills for mental health teams. Community Mental Health Journal, 35, 301-312.
Corrigan, P.W., Garman, A.N., Canar, J., & Lam, C. (1999). Characteristics of rehabilitation team leaders: A validation study. Rehabilitation Counselling Bulletin, 42, 186-195.
Corrigan, P.W., & McCracken, S.G. (1999). Training teams to deliver better psychiatric rehabilitation programs. Psychiatric Services, 50, 43-46.
Garman, A.N., & Corrigan, P.W. (1999). Management coursework in Graduate behavioral health programs. The Journal of Health Administration Education, 17, 227-231.
Corrigan, P.W., Lickey, S.E., Campion, J., & Rashid, F. (2000). A short course in leadership skills for the rehabilitation team. The Journal of Rehabilitation, 66(2), 56-58.
Corrigan, P.W., Lickey, S., Campion, J., & Rashid, F. (2000). Mental health team leadership and consumer satisfaction. Psychiatric Services, 51, 781-785.
Yeaman, C., Craine, W., Gorsek, J., & Corrigan, P.W. (2000). Performance improvement teams for better psychiatric rehabilitation. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 27, 113-128.
Corrigan, P.W., Steiner, L., McCracken, S.G., Blaser, B., & Barr, M. (2001). Strategies for staffdissemination of evidence-based practices for people with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 52, 1598-1606.
Edwards, A.B., Giffort, D.W., McCracken, S.G., & Corrigan, P.W. (2002). Public academic training partnerships for paraprofessionals who provide psychiatric rehabilitation. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Skills, 5, 437-454.
Garman, A. N., Corrigan, P. W., & Morris, S. B. (2002). Staff burnout and patient satisfaction: Evidence of relationships at the care unit level. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 7, 235-241.
Corrigan, P.W., Lickey, S., Campion, J. & Rashid, F. (2003). Transformational leadership and the mental health team. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 30, 97-108.
Garman, A., Davis-Lenane, D., & Corrigan, P.W. (2003). Passive versus active management-by-exception. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24, 803-812.
Corrigan, P.W., Pickett, S., Batia, K., & Michaels, P.J. (in press). Peer navigators and integrated care to address ethnic health disparities of people with serious mental illness. Social Work in Public Health.
Ploper, V., Jones, R., Kraus, D., Schmidt, A., & Corrigan, P. (in press). Feedback from American participants of a mental health first aid training course. Journal of Public Mental Health.
Corrigan, P.W., Vega, E., Larson, J., Michaels, P.J., McClintock, G., Krzyzanowski, R., Gause, M., & Buchholz, B. (2013). The California Schedule of key ingredients for contact-based anti-stigma programs. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 36, 173-179
Mittal, D., Ounpraseuth, S., Reaves, C., Chekuri, L., Han, X., Corrigan, P.W., Sullivan, G. (2016). Providers personal and professional contact with persons with mental illness: Relationship to clinical expectations. Psychiatric Services, 67, 55-61.
Corrigan, P.W., & Jones, N. (2015). Counseling interventions for people with psychiatric disabilities. In Chan, F., Berven, N.L., & Thomas, K.R. (Eds). Counseling theories and techniques for rehabilitation and mental health professionals. New York: Springer. (399-416).
Khenti, A., Mann, R., Sapag, J., Sireesha, B., Lentinello, E., vanderMass, M., Agic, B., Hamilton, H., Stuart, H., Patten, S., & Corrigan, P. Exploring stigmatization and recovery-based perspectives regarding mental illness and substance use problems among primary healthcare providers across Toronto, Ontario. Manuscript submitted to BMJ Open.
Corrigan, P.W. Beware the educational fix: Limitations of efforts to promote mental health literacy. Manuscript submitted to Psychiatric Services.